ADDRESS MANAGEMENT NATIONAL CUSTOMER SUPPORT CENTER January 6th, 2003 12:Ol EST Received 20021231UOO I . UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, December 3\1,2002 I PYEROTECHNICS DEVELOPMENT, INC 500 W UNIVERSITY PKWY STE I S BALTIMORE MD 21210-3276 Mr. Pyeron, Thank you for your request for address and geographic coordinate information under the Act. While the US Postal Service is prohibited by law from providing lists pleased to tell you that the information that you request is available at Code) level in the Topological Integrated Geographic Encoding and Reference (TIGER)/ZIP+4 File. The TIGER /ZIP+4 File is a bridge file tHat allows mailers to access other information using the ZIP+4 Codes they already have associated with their addresses This file provides demographers, market researchers, and also offers a method to relate ZIP+4 coded address lists to Census Bureau demographic data. Now mailers can acquire Census Bureau information on latitude, longitude, tract, Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA), etc. These files make an excellent base for a geographic information system. Possible uses of the TIGER/ZIP+4 File include the following: rn Mailers who develop a new product ideally suited for customers living in a particular part of the United States can reach beyond their established customer base and increase market share through TIGER/ZIP+4 queries. Mailers can use the queries to extrapolate the target market from the Census Bureau data, derive the ZIP Codes of potential customers, and prepare mail accordingly. Mailers can process the ZIP Codes of their address lists through the TIGER/ZIP+4 File to extract client data to focus on their clients' needs. rn i' % Go to http://www. usps.comlncsc/addressmqmt/tiger. htm for information regarding the TIGER/ZIP+4 file. For detailed information on TIGER/ZIP, download the TIGER/ZIP Technical Guide as an Adobe PDF file. A sample TIGER/ZIP+4 File is also available for download. The national TlGER/ZIP+4 file can be purchased for $700.00. Individual state files can be purchased for $50.00 each. Call 1-800-238-3150 if you wish to purchase this file. If you Rave further questions, contact me' at 1-800-331-5746. Micxel Garner v Add ress Man age m en t 6060 PRIMACY P w STE 201 MEMPHIS TN 38188-0001 800-331-5746 FAX 901 -767-8853 h .