Wed, 1 Dec 2004 15:33:00 -0500 Received 20041201UOO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE November 29,2004 Mr. Jason Pyeron PD Inc. #1 2739 Saint Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218-4382 Dear Mr. Pyeron: This is in response to your corresponden States Code (USC) Title 5, Section 552, addressed to the Postal Service's Records Office. Your correspondence was referred to this office for reply. Information is available to the public as needed concerning the location of Post Offices, collection boxes, and the times of collection, through the Postal Service website at, our toll free telephone numbers, and from local Post Offices. These options offer customers efficient and well organized access to information about the location of collection boxes and Post Offices; the last scheduled collection at those locations, and also additional information useful to customers. However, for the reasons outlined below, the Postal Service does not provide reports for multiple locations, geographic areas, or on a national basis related to collection boxes. .--a- - .- The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) generally requires government agencies to disclose P records within their possession, but contains several exemptions that permit agencies to withhold certain records, under 5 U.S.C. 9 552(b)(1) - (9). We consider the information to be exempt from mandatory disclosure pursuant to FOlA exemption 2 and also FOlA exemption 3 in conjunction with 39 U.S.C. 9 410(c)(2). Collection box data requested in your October 20 letter for a geographic area or in its entirety could potentially be used to plan for and make it easier for criminals that might steal mail. The courts have held that exemption 2 protects from disclosure information that, if revealed, could threaten the security of agency operations. The information requested combined with computer based mapping (available to anyone on the Internet) could facilitate the theft of mail 2nd may contribute to the growing incidents of identity theft against individuals. The Postal Service has joined with other organizations in identity theft awareness programs for the protection of the public, and advises customers to use our collection boxes to deposit their mail. The Postal Service is also continually exploring steps to improve the strength and security of collection equipment. Releasing portions of the collection box database would weaken the protections for the public against identity and mail theft and increase the risks to the Postal Service and public without adding any apparent benefits for customers because of the availability of this information on a more limited basis through existing systems. The request for information indicates you would republish the information for public use. As you may know, if the data requested was released it must also be released to others and becomes public information. Our withholding of the information requested does not mean to imply that you would use the records for improper purposes. ' 475 L'ENFANT PLAZA SW WASHINGTON DC 20260 WWW USPS COM Wed, 1 Dec 2004 15:33:00 -0500 Received 20041201U00 - .~. - -2- For the reasons outlined above, the information requested concerning collection box data will not be released. We are not aware of any records that would contain the data you requested concerning the latitude and longitude of collection boxes and post offices. Finally, there are no "mail class restrictions" for collection boxes as referenced in your inquiry, although specific mail preparation and deposit procedures are found under applicable postal standards for bulk mailings and Periodicals mail. I 1 If you disagree with our decision in this matter, you may file an appeal with the General Counsel, ~ U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 6001, Washington, DC 20260-1 100, within thirty days of this letter. Your letter of appeal must be in writing, include a copy of your request, include a copy of this letter, include any other related correspondence, include a statement of the reasons you believe this denial is erroneous; and a statement of the relief you seek. Manager Delivery Systems Support cc: Pat Tyrrell, USPS Counsel, USPS Headquarters Zoe Strickland, FOlNPrivacy Act Officer Jane Eyre, Records Officer, USPS Headquarters